The confused and not ready to get up look?!
Wow! This is Great!
Look at all this great stuff! Thanks Easter Bunny!
Adalyn is ready! Check out that stance!
I got it! Yeah! Nice throw Papaw!
The Pugh's-boy I look really short in this pic!
Easter Egg or play in the sand? To many choices!
Got it!
Oh, I see another one!
Mimi, Adalyn, and Mommy hunting eggs
Look at all the eggs I found!
Jay helping Adalyn count her eggs
Cutest crack I've ever seen!!
Adalyn getting side-tracked!
What a beautiful day God blessed us with on Sunday. Thank you! I was a little concerned that Jay and Adalyn may have to go to church without me because I had a migraine all night Saturday and then woke up with it Sunday morning. But with a little prayer, some Migraine Excedrin, and of course caffeine, it was gone! Yeah! When Adalyn got up and realized there was a basket full of goodies for her on the table, she was a little confused as to why they were there and who had brought them?! I kept asking her the night before who was coming to visit and she kept saying, "Tammy." Tammy is Adalyn's daycare provider and she had had on bunny ears Friday and Adalyn was a little confused thinking Tammy was the Easter Bunny-too funny! So, needless to say this is why there was some confusion. She did end up digging in and spreading her goodies and that wonderful Easter basket grass all throughout the living room.
After all the morning excitement, we were off to church. Adalyn was so funny at church!! Of course it was crowded, so we had to sit out in vestibule area right outside the sanctuary. We were in the front row and Adalyn wanted to see everything so badly that we allowed her to stand on the window ledge. Well, she was something else! Needless to say several people commented on how "cute" she was being. I am sure we left evidence behind,little hand prints! She had a blast in Sunday School, which I am so excited that she is old enough to go to know. They had an egg hunt around the church and learned about why Easter is important and of course, "Jesus" as she told me several times!
After church we headed out to Mimi and Papaw's so Adalyn could get her next Easter basket. Mimi had this little bunny toss game in her basket that Adalyn thought was the greatest thing ever! She wanted everyone to play! We then went over the Jason's mom's for dinner and then to my Aunt Julies' house for the Egg Hunt!! Aunt Julie has this enormous sand pile in her backyard that Adalyn was fascinated with. She kept getting side tracked while hunting eggs saying she was going to the "beach" and to "build a sand castle!" What can I say, she is our little beach bum! The egg hunt was so much fun and Adalyn did really well finding 15 eggs!! The day ended with all 3 of us coming home and taking a much needed nap!! What a great day!
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