Daddy having a chat with Adalyn about her fishing technique
Admiring her worms
Counting the worms
Playing with the fish Daddy caught
Trying to bait her own pole
Playing with the duck umbrella
Molly, our other child, loves being outside too!
Adalyn and Binky the Clown
Feeding the goats!
Ad and Mimi petting the sheep
Hold on tight!
Ad struttin' her stuff on Teddy the Horse
Ad getting her face painted, she did great this time!
Adalyn and her cousin Emma petting Teddy the Horse
Adalyn and Emma on Teddy the Horse
Adalyn petting the "llama, llama" as she would say
Watching Binky the Clown may balloon animals
Mommy's Cowgirl
What a great God we have to have blessed us with such an amazing weekend! This weekend has just been wonderful! Friday evening Adalyn wanted Daddy to get in the "closet" as she calls the shed to get out the fishing poles. This girl is obsessed with fishing and worms-Tomboy! She got out both of their poles and went straight to the gate. So the family all enjoyed an evening of fishing and worm counting! Then on Saturday which was an absolutely gorgeous day, Adalyn and I took advantage of it, even though we are both still a little under the weather, to pick up Mimi and head out to Gregory's Orchard for their Spring Carnival. Adalyn had such a good time! She was able to pet all kinds of animals, ride Teddy the Horse, have Binky the Clown make her a butterfly balloon, and get her face painted! What a great day and needless to say, she took a GREAT nap!!