This was about 15 minutes after the injury?!
She seems to be fine, that is the weird part?!

Acting as if nothing is wrong with her leg?!
How Crazy?!

Her last picture with both of her OWN shoes on!

Waiting for her first cast!

The inside of her cast

Watching every move the cast guy is making!

What a pretty purple cast!

All done! Walking shoe and all!!
Well, I feel like I deserve "Mother of the Year" since Adalyn, only being 1 1/2 years old already has her first cast and to top it all off she injured herself at gymnastics!! To make a long story short, the Adalyn was jumping on the trampoline at gymnastics and fell. She couldn't put pressure or stand on her left leg for some time. After being able to put pressure on it, she was limping. We went to the doctor the next day and they did x-rays. Well, the x-ray people didn't take the correct x-rays and she was still limping, so we were sent to see Dr. Berrios, an Orthopedic Specialist. He is GREAT!! He said that the x-rays's didn't show a break, but with the limping and symptoms we are saying she has, he is pretty sure she has a hair-line fracture. In toddlers, their cartlige and tissue is so thick that hair-line fractures take up to 12 days after the injury to show. He also said that little ones have a very high pain tolerance and can live through the pain and that is why it is hard for us to tell if they are hurt. He wanted to be safe and protect it so she didn't re-injure it before next Friday when we will do x-rays again. So, since she is SUCH the busy little girl, he thought putting a cast on up to her knee would be the best option. She can't take it off where as with a boot she could. If she were to re-injure the fracture she already has then we would be looking at surgery and that is a road I DON'T want to go down!! She did a FABULOUS job while they were putting on her cast! She is such a BIG girl. Everyone commented on how well she did!! I asked her what color she wanted and she said, "Purple" so she has her first purple cast. We go back next Friday to remove the cast and do more x-rays. If the x-rays look good and she isn't limping we are good to go, but if the x-rays show the fracture then she has to have a cast put back on for 4 more weeks-OUCH!! Also, he said that if she is still limping and the x-rays look fine, then he will do an MRI and Bone Scan to see where the problem is. He said that something isn't right and he is determined to fix it. Like I said he is a GREAT doctor!!
1 comment:
I feel so sorry for her with this injury! You know me...I am sitting her crying over the story(literally). Get better soon Adalyn! We love you so much!
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